Darkest dungeon trainer 21049 cheat engine
Darkest dungeon trainer 21049 cheat engine

darkest dungeon trainer 21049 cheat engine

You can still send the Hero to any Dungeon regardless of the Level Requirement, But they will still nag about it :p You can still send your hero even after they completed one round in this dungeon. Anything between 2 and 12 will be updated to 12 Need to make sure they are at least 2, else it wont update Change Item Type in Inventory Bag(new) - added the dropdown list with rarity sorted out from the json file. Dupe item (new) - Only enable when you want to dupe the item -> after that disable the script and move your item for the game to reload the changed item Smile Health/Stress/Resolve Value For All Hero Infinite Item (usage in Dungeon) - For Food, if it decreases, just change from the Dungeon Bag Slot (it should at least have 1) May cause crash if enabled when transition to hamlet. No Stress(if Hero have any stress, it will get reset to 0, when the Hero get stress in game, one easy way is to skip his turn Smile ), else the stress number will stay at the current value Credits: SenorPlebeian, wazlord, hsinyuhcan

Darkest dungeon trainer 21049 cheat engine